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Dein Event, unsere Leidenschaft

Ob stilvolle Feier, kreative Speisen oder erstklassiger Service – wir machen deine Wünsche wahr. Von der ersten Idee bis zum letzten Detail begleiten wir dich mit Leidenschaft und Expertise. Unsere Stärke: maßgeschneiderte Events, außergewöhnliche Ideen und Rundum-Betreuung, damit dein Tag so einzigartig wird, wie du es dir wünschst.


The Disruptive System (R)Evolution for Wholeness and Sustainability 

We can guarantee and successfully implement this because we teach the theory of sustainable development, transformation and healthy growth as a whole. And because we also guide and support the necessary and individual change processes of our clients - people, brands, organisations and/or (eco-)systems - in practice. 

For the inventor, teacher, educator, sustainability pioneer and former consultant and manager, continuous learning, improvement, growth, courage and integrity are key components of her value creation processes. She is always ahead of her time, challenging the status quo. This has enabled her to develop and test answers and solutions long before the challenges entered the collective consciousness. 

She grew up in West Berlin in the time of Generation X. Even as a child, health and sport were important to her. As was her love for animals and nature. So, it comes as no surprise that, after studying economics, she began her career as an analyst and consultant in the fitness, prevention and wellness market. Further education and training followed, as well as her own research and development. 

The sustainable leadership and growth system "A Wholistic World©" is based on her complex interdisciplinary knowledge and solutions as well as her intercultural experience. Efficient, pragmatic, structured, adapted to current and future challenges. Sustainable and simplified. 

Because on an increasingly complex and fast changing planet, simplicity and efficiency are the ultimate perfection. 


The Disruptive System (R)Evolution for Wholeness and Sustainability 

We can guarantee and successfully implement this because we teach the theory of sustainable development, transformation and healthy growth as a whole. And because we also guide and support the necessary and individual change processes of our clients - people, brands, organisations and/or (eco-)systems - in practice. 

For the inventor, teacher, educator, sustainability pioneer and former consultant and manager, continuous learning, improvement, growth, courage and integrity are key components of her value creation processes. She is always ahead of her time, challenging the status quo. This has enabled her to develop and test answers and solutions long before the challenges entered the collective consciousness. 

She grew up in West Berlin in the time of Generation X. Even as a child, health and sport were important to her. As was her love for animals and nature. So, it comes as no surprise that, after studying economics, she began her career as an analyst and consultant in the fitness, prevention and wellness market. Further education and training followed, as well as her own research and development. 

The sustainable leadership and growth system "A Wholistic World©" is based on her complex interdisciplinary knowledge and solutions as well as her intercultural experience. Efficient, pragmatic, structured, adapted to current and future challenges. Sustainable and simplified. 

Because on an increasingly complex and fast changing planet, simplicity and efficiency are the ultimate perfection.